The Unesco MAB Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve Youth Council is an advisory body of the Management Board to which all those residing in the municipalities within the Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve (Artegna, Chiusaforte, Dogna, Gemona del Friuli, Lusevera, Moggio Udinese, Montenars, Resia, Resiutta, Taipana and Venzone) aged between 16 and 30 can become a member.

It also has a proactive function to give voice to the younger generations within the territory for them to be able to put forward requests and ideas of to those who manage the Reserve.

Alessia Chiarusi from Resia
Youth Council Spokesperson

Camilla Tuccillo from Lusevera
Deputy Youth Council Spokesperson

The Regulations governing its activities were drawn up directly by the young people who initially joined the Julian Pre-Alps Nature Park project – the managing body of the Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve – and were approved by the Park Authority’s Executive Board. The Regulations outline the Council’s objectives and functions, while highlighting the values of reference and laying down the norms to make sure it is implemented properly.

Participation is voluntary and open to all young people who wish to join.

To do so, simply apply using the appropriate application forms you can download here

“On the anniversary of the European Parks Day, we would like to share with you the video made by the Biosphere Reserve Council, which, despite the pandemic, has never stopped and is continuing to organise events and carry out projects!”

Watch the Reel where Camilla tells of the experience of some young people from the Youth Council at the Europarc Federation General Conference, held in the Netherlands in October 2023.

This is only one of the many opportunities for those who join the Youth Council!

Come and join the Youth Council of the Unesco MAB Julian Alps Reserve!

Download the application form here

Regulation of the Youth Advisory Board (English version)

For further information: Tel. +39 0433-53534 –