junior rangers

The Junior Rangers project is an initiative of the Europarc Federation that began in 2002 to involve young people living in protected areas through participation in environmental educational camps.
The camp programmes for Junior Rangers include a large number of activities to explore the flora, fauna and land riches of the protected areas involved. The project contributes to raising awareness of the benefits that parks can provide to local communities and wider regions. By sharing their experiences with their families, relatives, schools and friends, the young participants further spread knowledge of park activities and their relevance. Following the great success of the camps held in National Parks, Europarc launched and promoted international camps for Junior Rangers since 2003, who had already had the initial experience in their own park.
The Julian Prealps Nature Park, as other Italian and European protected areas have done before, started the Europarc Junior Rangers programme on its territory in 2007.
Since June 2019, the area of 11 municipalities in the Friulian mountains (Artegna, Chiusaforte, Dogna, Gemona, Lusevera, Moggio Udinese, Montenars, Resia, Resiutta, Taipana and Venzone) has been declared a Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve by Unesco.
For these, it was decided to extend the project to all the municipalities in the Reserve.
The schedule of activities is designed for girls and boys between the ages of 12 and 14 years residing in the above-mentioned municipalities. The children will be supervised by specialised nature guides or other experts. Packed lunches and overnight stays in the park’s shelters will allow the group to bond in a convivial atmosphere.
Due to the nature of the project, spots are limited.
The costs of the project will be mainly covered by the park authority.
Participants will be constantly supervised and coordinated by staff identified by the park authority.
During meetings and the camp:
- information is given on the Protected Area, its characteristics, and its activities;
- guided excursions are conducted with naturalists and specialists
- Observations, monitoring, and small practical actions aimed at the protection and maintenance of the area are carried out sports
- activities and games are played.
At the bottom of the page the video made in previous editions by our guide Marco Favalli can be found
Park supervisors belonging to the Regional Forestry Corps cooperate in this initiative.
For further information: Tel. +39 0433-53534 – info@biosferaalpigiulie.it