The governance
The governance plan requires that there should be a single Biosphere Reserve Co-ordinator and that this must be the Julian PreAlps Nature Park Authority. As far as the Biosphere Reserve is concerned, its activities consist of implementing the policies, strategies and decisions approved at the Management Committee level.

The decision-making body is the Management Board, which took office on 24th October 2019 and is composed of 17 members: the Park Executive Board – 6 Mayors or their delegates as representatives of the Municipalities within the Park, a further delegate for the Municipality of Resia, 3 experts (agronomists and foresters, biologists and naturalists and environmentalist associations) and 2 trade category representatives (farmers and forestry operators, traders and tourism entrepreneurs) appointed by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, 5 Mayors or their delegates as representatives of the Municipalities outside the Julian PreAlps Regional Nature Park. After consulting the advisory bodies, the Management Board defines the guidelines, both annual and multi-annual objectives, the strategies and resources that can be activated. It also ensures the compliance of commitments made as well as the progress of activities.
The Park Authority Chairman presides over the Management Board meetings and acts as a spokesperson for the Biosphere Reserve.
Advisory bodies include:
- Advisory bodies include:
the Trade Association and Industry Advisory Council: consisting of representatives appointed by the most important Associations and Categories in the area; more specifically: Eco-museums, Local tourist offices, Schools, Business owners, Craftsmen, Co-operative Societies, Fishermen, Hunters, Sports Associations, Cultural Associations, Mountaineering Associations and the most representative trade unions. A total of 12 representatives. The role of this Advisory Council is to act as a liaison between the industry associations and trade categories represented within it, to express opinions on programmes, and actions related to the Reserve’s activities, as well as to propose initiatives.
- The Youth Council: consisting of young people aged between 16 and 30 residing in the municipalities located within the Biosphere Reserve. Access to the Council is granted upon request, therefore the number of its members may vary over time. This Council plays a consultative and propositional role in the Reserve’s decision-making processes and encourages young people’s active participation in initiatives. It not only fosters relations between young people residing in the municipalities within the Reserve, but also with peers from other Reserves, specifically those in the Slovenian Julian Alps. It also actively participates in the development of projects aimed at young people in relation to Biosphere Reserves.
- the Technical-Scientific Committee: consisting of 5 representatives appointed by the Universities of Udine and Trieste, as well as the Natural History Museums in the Region as well as the world of culture. Its task is to provide opinions and develop proposals on matters of major technical and scientific interest, taking into utmost consideration the objectives of the Reserve’s establishment and verifying the consistency of the actions undertaken in the light of these and the general guidelines of the UNESCO MAB programme.
At least two meetings per year are planned for all these Bodies.
The Park Authority acts as a secretariat for the Management Board and advisory bodies.