MAn and the biosphere
l’uomo e la biosfera



Launched in 1971, the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB) is an inter-governmental programme that aims to lay the scientific foundations to improve the relationship between Man and the environment. The MAB Programme merges the practical application of natural and social sciences, economics and education in order to protect biodiversity, natural and man-made ecosystems, promoting the sustainable development of territories from an economic social and environmental perspective. In this sense, the MAB Programme increases the capacity of people to efficiently manage natural resources for the benefit of both local communities and the environment.

Thanks to internationally recognised sites within the World Biosphere Reserve Network, the MAB Programme intends to:



Identify and assess changes in the Biosphere resulting from human and natural activities as well as the effects of these changes on humans and the environment, specifically within the context of climate change


Study and compare the dynamic interrelations between natural and near-natural eco-systems as well as socio-economic processes, specifically within the context of an accelerating decline in biological and cultural diversity with unforeseen effects on the ability of eco-systems to continue providing critical services for human well-being


Ensure basic human well-being and a liveable environment within the context of rapid urbanisation and energy consumption as driving forces behind environmental change


Promote the exchange and transfer of know-how on environmental issues and solutions as well as fostering environmental education towards sustainable development.

The operational arm of the MAB Programme consists of the Biosphere Reserves, consisting of the terrestrial, coastal and/or marine ecosystems that are both representative of their biogeographic region and are of paramount importance for the conservation of biodiversity, while promoting their sustainable use. In fact, Biosphere Reserves are locations where interdisciplinary approaches to understanding and managing changes in social and ecological systems as well as their interactions are both tested and applied. This includes conflict prevention and biodiversity conservation, making them veritable incubators for sustainable development providing local solutions to global challenges.


Biosphere Reserves play a key role in the concrete implementation of the ‘Global Goals’, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals shared by 193 United Nations member states, that have committed to achieving them by 2030.

The international dimension of the Biosphere Reserve network allows new approaches of sustainable development to be shared with the whole world and extended to other territories.

Biosphere Reserves are locations for experimentation, research, and study aimed at returning to a model of growth where Man and his environment can live in harmony.


Biosphere Reserves are true incubators for sustainable development that merge the conservation of the area’s ecological values with the enhancement of the value of its natural and identity features, as well as the promotion of eco-sustainable activities, including traditional ways of using them in harmony with the environment
The areas that have obtained the MAB (“Man and the Biosphere”) status have the particular responsibility of raising awareness, involving and stimulating local communities towards practising human-nature co-existence models to preserve existing biodiversity and to encourage, through sustainable development, the improvement of everyone’s well-being and quality of life.

Well-balanced ecosystems are a pre-requisite for human well-being and economic development